Asset Check Out Management Roles

In order to have access to the asset check out management features, they must be assigned to a user role, and this user role must be assigned to the logged-in user.


Asset Features
Feature Description
Asset Edit access to this feature provides for adding an asset type item and then adding assets to the item. Edit access to the Items feature must be enabled to add, edit, and track assets. Also provides for using the account and condition lookup values. Read-only access to this feature provides for viewing asset information.

Asset Documents

Edit access to this feature provides for uploading a document to an asset, downloading the document, and deleting a document from the asset. Read-only access to this feature provides for viewing the Documents that have been uploaded to the asset and downloading them.
Asset Inventory Provides for performing asset inventory in the mobile application.
Assignee Edit access to this feature provides for adding, editing, deleting, and viewing assignees in the application. Read-only access to this feature provides for viewing the assignees in the application.
Check In Provides for checking in an asset that is checked out.
Check Out Provides for checking out an asset to an assignee.
Inventory Asset Mass Move Provides for moving all asset from one site-location to another site-location.
Inventory Asset Single Move Provides for moving a single asset from one site-location to another site-location.
Maintenance and Calibration Provides for entering a maintenance order or a calibration order for an asset. If a maintenance period or a calibration is entered for an asset, the system will also update the last service date and next service date for the asset.
Rapid Check In Out Provides for performing a rapid check in of assets or a rapid check out of assets at the Rapid Check In/Out page.
Reserve Edit access to this feature provides for reserving an asset for a period of days to an assignee. Read-only access provides for viewing asset reservations.
Retire Provides for retiring an asset from the Assets form.

How to Add a Role with Asset Management Features

To add a user role with the asset management features so that you may access the asset features in IntelliTrack, please refer to the section that follows.

Important: The IntelliTrack user license must include the Asset Management features in order for them to be available when adding a user role.

  1. Select Security > Role Management. The Roles Management page appears.
  2. Click the Add icon. The Add Role form appears.
  3. Name field (required): enter the role's name in this field.
  4. Description field (optional): enter a role description in this field.
  5. In the Features portion the form: add the asset management features to this role. They must be included in the user role in order to use the asset management features in IntelliTrack.
  6. Assets: Mark the Assets checkbox to include it in the user role. The Assets feature has edit and read-only properties.
    1. When a user has edit access to the Assets feature, the user may add an asset item type, add an asset to an asset item type, add an asset to a site-location, edit asset information, delete asset information, and view asset inventory in the web application. The user also has access to the Accounts and Conditions lookups. In order to use this feature, the Items feature must also be enabled.
    2. When a user has read-only access to the Assets feature, the user may view asset information and account and condition lookup information, but may not add, edit, or delete this information.
  7. Asset Documents: Mark the Asset Documents checkbox to include it in the user role. When a user has this role, the Documents tab is visible from the Asset form.
    1. Edit Access: user may upload, download, or delete an asset document to the asset.
    2. Read-Only access: user may view the documents that have been uploaded to the asset and download them.
  8. Asset Inventory: Mark the Asset Inventory checkbox to include it in the user role. When a user has this role, the user may perform an asset inventory in the mobile application.
  9. Assignees: Mark the Assignees checkbox to include it in the user role. When a user has this role the Manage > Assignees menu option is available and the user may reach the Manage Assignees page.
    1. The Assignees role has edit and read-only properties.
      1. Mark the Edit option to have edit rights to the assignee feature. This option allows the user to add or edit assignees.
      2. Mark the Read-Only option to have read-only rights to the assignee feature. The read-only option only allows view access to the assignee information. This means that with this access a user cannot add or edit assignees.
  10. Check In: Mark the Check In checkbox to include it in the user role. When a user has access to this role, the user may check in assets at the Check In page.
  11.  Mark the Check Out checkbox to include it in the user role. When a user has access to this role, the user may check out assets at the Check Out page.
  12. Inventory Asset Mass Move: Mark the Inventory Asset Mass Move checkbox to include it in the user role. When a user has access to this role, the user may perform an inventory asset mass move in the web application and in the mobile application.
  13. Inventory Asset Single Move: Mark the Inventory Asset Single Move checkbox to include it in the user role. When a user has access to this role, the user may perform an inventory asset single move in the web application and in the mobile application.
  14. Maintenance and Calibration: Mark this checkbox to include it in the user role. When a user has access to this role, the user may add a maintenance order or a calibration order to an asset.
  15. Reserve: Mark the Reserve checkbox to include it in the user role. When a user has access to this role, the user may reserve an asset or assets for a period of days to an assignee. This feature is available in the IntelliTrack web application only.
    1. Mark the Edit option to have add and edit rights to asset reservation.
    2. Mark the Read-Only option to have view-only right to asset reservations.
  16. Retire: Mark this checkbox to include it in the user role. When a user has access to this role, the user may mark an asset as retired at the Assets form.
  17. Click the Save icon to save this role to the system.

How to Assign the User Role to a User

After the user role for asset management has been created, it is ready to be assigned to a user.

  1. Select Security > User Management to reach the User Management page. The list of users appears.
  2. Click the Edit icon to open the Edit User form for a user in the list.
  3. In the Roles portion of the form, mark the checkbox next to the asset management role or roles that have been created to assign a role or roles to this user.
  4. Click the Save icon to save this role to the user.